Information-Security-Governance.comFocus of our company is the LABRYS. A labrys is a double axe, originating from ancient Greece. In the hands of the Greek God Zeus, this axe is the ultimate sign of governance: to manage and to control.


Likewise this is our central question: how are you able to manage and control information security in your organisation? For our company, the Labrys proves that we take founded decisions regarding the security of your information. Our Information Security services are Risk based: which risks can be identified, which risks do you accept and which controls are you going to implement? And even more important: how are you going to manage and control information security in your organisation?


The labrys is connected to the ancient town of Knossos at Crete. The Greek Daedalus built a labyrinth (from: labrys) close to the Knossos Palace. Nobody could escape from the labyrinth, except princess Ariadne, with support from Daedalus. Information Security often resembles a labyrinth, for which our company will find the information security solutions. We will help you to determine the way out to the exit of the labyrinth.